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Women's Bean Project

High-quality food products made and packaged by women struggling to obtain employment

Women’s Bean Project is a transitional employment program serving women who have struggled to obtain and maintain employment. Women enter the role of production assistant and work in their food manufacturing business making and packaging delicious and healthy products. Outside of manufacturing, women participate in a 7-month transitional employment program consisting of over 60 hours of classroom work and 50 hours of career services assistance and training.

Women are employed and paid full-time whether they are working on the production floor or in the classroom. After graduating, women transition into an entry-level, career-building job in the community. 93% of these formerly chronically unemployed women are still employed a year later.

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Meet Chelsea

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At the age of 12, Chelsea became involved in drugs and alcohol to deal with the pain and trauma experienced earlier in her young life. By age 28, she was experiencing heart attack symptoms and beginning to lose everything in her life. Chelsea knew it was time for a big change.

Seeking help, a friend took her in and invited her to an “Art Expressions” class at Women’s Bean Project. There, she found out they were hiring. Going to work for Women’s Bean Project provided an opportunity to regain stability and become reliable.

At Women’s Bean Project, Chelsea feels understood and accepted, and she has set new goals. Chelsea hopes to clear her record and go back to school to be a registered nurse or to help people with addiction. Chelsea looks forward to pursuing these goals and is happy to be back in her daughter’s life.

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