Contributing organizations include:
Prodigal Pottery is handmade by women fleeing homelessness, domestic abuse and sex-trafficking. In addition to job training, they equip women with financial training, emotional care and support, professional skills, and assistance finding stable living situations.
Big House Beans Specialty Coffee Roasters in California not only sources and roasts award-winning coffees but seeks to provide opportunities to those who have a vision for their future and a heart to work hard. They are focused on true, equal opportunities. Big House hires, mentors and teaches skills to the “least desirable” yet hard-working women and men who deserve second chances.
Women’s Bean Project believes that all women have the power to transform their lives through employment. They hire women who are chronically unemployed and teach them to work by making nourishing products, acquiring the tools needed to sustain themselves and their families for a lifetime.
Homeboy Industries provides hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved or incarcerated men and women, allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of society. Clients are embraced by a community of kinship and offered a variety of training and wraparound services. Their flagship 18-month re-entry program is offered to over 400 men and women each year.