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Wood Salad Servers


Ziricote or Jobillo wooden salad servers, handcrafted by Guatemalan artisans who are masters in the art of carving utensils. Given the endurance of the wood, they come in handy not only as great salad servers, but for serving side dishes as well.

Available with a unique ring style in the handle (pictured, $52).

Finished in non-toxic, food-safe beeswax derived from local bees.

Dimensions: 12” L

SKU: IW32 Categories: , , Tags: , ,

Our gifts are handmade by artisans around the globe. As with all handmade products, each has slight variations that make them unique.

Peace by Piece International works with over 30 nonprofit partners and social enterprises selected specifically for their direct impact on people’s lives. Your purchase supports the following organization:

Itza Wood (San Andrés, Guatemala) creates jobs and fosters positive social impact by creating local, sustainable employment. Their carpenters live in local communities where families are struggling to ensure basic human services. They have planted over 45,000 trees to combat deforestation in the area and only use sustainably harvested and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified wood.

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