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3 Pillars of Prosperity: What’s your role?

At Peace by Piece International, we have a guiding philosophy that underscores our commitment to the artisan brands we work with to help ensure sustainable success. We like to call them: The Three Pillars of Prosperity.

Through our mission to redefine corporate and event gifting, we’ve recognized that true empowerment goes beyond mere support. It’s about fostering thriving communities, equipping artisans with the necessary skills and tools, and creating vibrant marketplaces where their talents can shine.



Thriving, flourishing, buoyant, expanding — these terms all serve to describe what we see in our partner organizations when the three pillars are successfully addressed. One powerful quote from an artisan partner of ours, Julia Antoine, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti sums it up beautifully:

“I’m so proud to have gained a trade and to be a self-sufficient woman. A handout never could have brought me here.”

In our world, sustainability is not just relegated to the environment — it is often used to describe dignified work that helps create opportunity for skilled and driven artisans where there otherwise might be none. Handouts can definitely serve a purpose, such as immediately after a disaster. But handouts don’t provide dignity. They don’t create community. And they don’t offer any sort of sustainability. Let’s dig a little deeper:


Safe community

When living and working in a safe environment, artisans have the opportunity to connect, collaborate, and grow together. We have witnessed our makers being able to send their kids to school for the first time and have even seen the ripple effects rolling throughout the community beyond each individual organization we work with when makers become stable enough through their own work to create opportunities for others through entrepreneurship. Many of our partners go the extra mile, providing things like child care and resources for furthering their academic education.



Skills & tools

Every artisan deserves access to the right skills and tools to excel in their craft. Our partners are dedicated to providing the resources and training necessary for their artisans to excel. The right tool can make the difference between beautiful one-off creations and the ability to create high-quality gifts at scale. Artisans can learn skills that set them up for success in the workplace. Whether you’re looking for custom totes, handmade accessories, hats, travel mugs, or even hot sauce, we travel to and meet with each organization we work with to make sure that they are providing and assisting with these so that we can ensure your gift recipients receive high-quality, memorable gifts that leave them feeling valued.


Viable marketplace

Through our commitment to building viable marketplaces with you, we ensure that artisans have the opportunity to thrive and prosper. Through your corporate gifting programs and event gifts, you have the power to create marketplaces for these artisans’ work to shine, providing reliable and dignified income to underserved, but deserving communities, with compounding effects throughout the community. You can show your values and what you stand for as a company by providing the opportunity for others to enjoy prosperity as well.


Your role in prosperity

Why is it important to address these three pillars? In a world of overconsumption, it’s more important than ever yo act responsibly when bringing new items to life.

Imagine how delightful it will be for your gift recipients to be introduced to the makers of their gifts through our impact cards and to know that sustainability lies at the heart of each gift made. Recipients are moved by meeting the makers and learning how their lives are being changed from the opportunity that you helped create. Your purchases honor the people who made them.

Share your values even more proudly with custom branding and customization options – we love custom projects and invite you to share your ideas! Help build prosperity amongst communities in the US and the broad who stand for what you stand for.

Browse our selection of artisan-made products to find inspiration for your next event or gifting opportunity! If you’d like to shop based on certain causes or initiatives, we’re here to help. Just contact us and our team will walk you through the process.



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