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Beautiful Day

Granola gift sets made by refugees

Beautiful Day builds on-ramps to employment and economic self-sufficiency for refugees in Providence, Rhode Island. By aligning job training with consumer demand for socially conscious products, they develop practical, efficient, community-oriented ways to integrate and welcome refugees into our society.

Over 70% of Beautiful Day program graduates move on to permanent jobs, providing for their families and enriching their communities.

Beautiful Day In the kitchen

Meet Evon

Screenshot 2023 08 29 at 1.01.40 PMEvon, her parents, and 5 siblings fled Iraq for Jordan in 2003. They arrived in the US in 2008, when she started working with Beautiful Day. Evon created the much-loved Pistachio Cardamom granola and bar. She appreciates how she has been trusted to experiment with new flavors and earn a living through her love of cooking. She enjoys welcoming new trainees and teaching them to work as a team and make delicious granola despite language and cultural differences. Evon became a US citizen in 2020. Providence is her home and while she continues to be part of the Beautiful Day community, she also works at a global foods restaurant specializing in dessert.

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