Prodigal Pottery works with women fleeing homelessness, domestic abuse, and sex trafficking to create handmade pottery in Birmingham, Alabama. Besides training women to make pottery, Prodigal Pottery provides financial training, emotional care and support, professional skill development, and assistance to find stable living situations.
Many of the women employed at Prodigal Pottery have trouble finding employment due to past traumas. Prodigal Pottery does not turn any woman away based on her past, rather they employ women to help them take hold of their future.

Employees are nurtured to walk through the doors of Prodigal Pottery every day knowing they are strong, capable, supported, and loved.
Meet Jenna
At the age of four, Jenna dealt with terrible heartbreak — losing her mother in a car accident. By six, she was sexually assaulted by her brother, and at 17 she became pregnant with her first child. Jenna became dependent on opioids as she turned to drugs to cope. At 23, she committed to a 1-year rehab program and arrived at King’s Home Shelter where began working at Prodigal Pottery.
“Prodigal Pottery has given me confidence in my gifts and abilities that I have never had before. I am empowered to help lead other women while also having the space to work on myself, knowing that there is grace in every step of the journey. God has an amazing plan for my life – something I didn’t believe until I was loved on at Prodigal Pottery.” Jenna now owns her own home and has strong relationships with her children. She leads AA meetings for other women going through recovery.